NGMX Preliminary Constituents 2024-H1
The preliminary constituents and weights of the NGMX index for 2024-H1 that will take effect on 2024-06-03 are:
Insref | isin | symbol | name | weight |
4069938 | SE0011724889 | ADVT | Adverty | 4.59% |
90440 | SE0003210590 | ARBO A | Arbona A | 15.00% |
2524980 | SE0019763988 | EOID | Eyeonid Group | 9.41% |
42935 | SE0000500779 | KOBR B | Kopparbergs B | 30.00% |
3992088 | SE0011282847 | LUMITO | Lumito | 6.48% |
45217 | SE0000514705 | OBDU B | Obducat B | 6.73% |
4440821 | QBIT | OBDU B | Quickbit | 6.52% |
45192 | SE0001057910 | SOSI | Sotkamo Silver | 11.42% |
5783129 | SE0016609911 | SUN4 | Sun4Energy | 3.56% |
3114074 | SE0014965604 | TCC A | TCECUR Sweden A | 6.29% |